VBAC research can be confusing
Have you had a cesarean? Do you want balanced, unbiased information about vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC)? Wading through the evidence on VBAC and repeat cesarean yourself can be confusing and time consuming. I'm sure you have read medical research, googled way too much, joined VBAC groups, and asked people you know.
But how do you make sense of medical studies full of technical language and confusing math, what do you do about conflicting information, and how do you know who to trust?
Hi, I'm Jen Kamel, CEO & Founder of VBAC Facts®. Since 2007, my focus has been to provide objective, accurate information about the data available on VBAC and repeat cesarean to parents, professionals, policymakers, and the court so all parties can make informed decisions. And I can help you.
Whether you are still deciding between a repeat cesarean and a VBAC, or are already planning a VBAC, this is a non-judgmental, evidence based space where you can learn about the available research so you can conquer your fears, eliminate confusion, and confidently make your own decisions.
Let's dream together...
Imagine if you had the facts at your fingertips and you felt so comfortable with the VBAC evidence that you could confidently make informed decisions as well as advocate for yourself in the moment.
My big vision for you is that you are able to plan the birth that you want. That your pregnancy is a time of joy and celebration rather than stress and anxiety. All of this is possible. And it's why I created "The Truth About VBAC™ for Families."
My surprise cesarean changed my life
So why did I start VBAC Facts®? It all goes back to my first child's birth in 2004.
A cesarean wasn’t even on my radar (in fact, I intentionally skipped that chapter in my birth books). But at 35 weeks, my daughter was breech and all of a sudden, I was on the road to a surgical birth. While my cesarean was straightforward and my obstetrician was sympathetic and kind, I felt like I was hit by a truck and handed a baby.
My OB told me that I would be an excellent candidate for VBAC (I am eternally grateful he planted this seed), so I knew I had options. My postpartum was rough, so I was committed to doing everything in my power to avoid another cesarean. However, there was a lot I didn’t know which fed the “what ifs”.
I knew enough to realize that I didn't know what I didn't know, so what helped me reduce my unease was to learn the facts. Through that process, I was able to truly understand the evidence and make informed decisions.
My transformative VBAC journey
Through my research, planning, and the whiff of luck that is always at play in birth, I was able to have a VBAC in 2007 and meet my sweet son.
To immediately hold him, breastfeed him, and be fully mentally present from the moment he was introduced into the world was absolutely priceless.
Being able to eat, use the restroom, and shower shortly after delivery made me feel human.
To sleep without waking up to stabbing pain for weeks meant that while I was tired, I wasn’t painfully exhausted.
I felt like me, with a baby, and it was an entirely new experience of motherhood. My son and I spent the first three days of his life sleeping, nursing, and relaxing. It was night and day in comparison to my cesarean in every single way.
An advocate is born
The contrast between my cesarean and my VBAC... the injustice of so many people being denied this option... the lies, misinformation, and manipulations... the number of hysterectomies and other serious preventable complications from "routine" repeat cesareans... it lit a fire in me. At two weeks postpartum, on a cold November morning, I dreamed up VBAC Facts® and got to work.
Within three years, I had created this program and was traveling the United States speaking to parents and training professionals.
I have presented grand rounds at hospitals and trained thousands of perinatal professionals - including physicians and midwives - on the VBAC evidence around the globe.
I have testified in front of various legislative and regulatory bodies educating those who make laws and rules about VBAC as well as consulting with attorneys and educating the court on the VBAC evidence, medical ethics, and bodily autonomy.
During the course of this work, I have cultivated an encyclopedic and intimate knowledge of not only the VBAC evidence, but how fear, politics, bias, paternalism, litigation, and convenience often supersede what birthing people want... all while they are subtlety coerced into repeat cesareans under the guise of safety.
You deserve better than that. You deserve access to evidence based care. You deserve the truth. You deserve the space to make your own medical decisions. You deserve to be heard. This is the world I want to create. This is why I do this work. Let’s do this together!
Ready to bust some myths?
This is a 6-week program to achieve clarity on the VBAC evidence, national guidelines, and the numerous factors that can stand between you and having a VBAC.
This is not just any VBAC course. What makes it different? My work for the last 16 years as an international speaker, nursing continuing education provider, expert witness, policy consultant, and VBAC subject matter expert. It is that depth of intersectional knowledge that sets this training apart from other VBAC courses in addition to my personal commitment to integrity, honesty, and ethics.
I've made learning the facts simple and easy. You don't need to decode confusing words and statistics in medical studies. I’ll break it all down for you in everyday language so you understand what these studies really mean and what they don't.
In 30 bite-sized video lessons, I share every step of the process for achieving clarity on VBAC and repeat cesarean.
Birth location, red flags, and more
In this course you’ll learn about the pros and cons of birthing locations -- whether you want a home, birth center, or hospital birth -- and the many factors to consider including the latest evidence on community (home or birth center) VBAC.
My downloadable Provider Interview Cheat Sheet outlines all the questions I recommend you ask providers. Many of these questions are followed by a quote from ACOG's VBAC guidelines or other relevant facts which will help you interpret their answer so you can hire a midwife or physician who is most aligned with the evidence. It also includes space under each question to track the responses of three providers so you can easily compare their replies.
In addition, I'll highlight for you red flags to watch for while you discover the difference between manipulation and informed consent as well as your legal rights. You will also learn how to maximize your VBAC odds.
You will become familiar with hospital policies, VBAC bans, and US national guidelines so you can understand what the leading OB/GYN organization actually says about VBAC (you will be shocked) and the real reasons why hospitals claim they can't attend VBACs (which we will dismantle).
And of course we dive deep into everything uterine rupture, multiple prior cesareans, epidurals, big babies, postdates, birth intervals, single versus dual layer suturing, uterine thickness, the VBAC calculator, how prior cesareans impact future pregnancies, frank and honest talk about the risks of a bad outcome for you and your baby, and more... you will learn it all.
All the questions you have, answered
After working with countless families over the years, I know the questions you have, the information you need, and the emotional journey you are on. I have been there. I get it.
This 6-hour online program is designed to answer all the questions I’ve been asked by expecting parents and growing families like yours. And, more importantly, all the questions you may not know to ask.
How to know if this course is for you...
"The Truth About VBAC™ for Families" has helped countless women and birthing people move from feeling powerless, lost, and scared to informed, empowered, and confident.
You're a perfect fit if:
- you want to learn about VBAC, but don't have the time or skills to do the research yourself
- when talking with your provider, you want to speak intelligently and confidently about your risks, benefits, and options
- you want to truly enjoy your pregnancy knowing that you have done everything you can to plan your ideal birth
This course is NOT for you if:
- you want your provider to make all the decisions about your pregnancy and birth
- you feel like all research is biased so you don't see the point in learning about it*
- you don't feel strongly about how your next baby is born
* I don't entirely disagree with you. All research does have weaknesses. We discuss how to identify them in this course so you know how to find strong VBAC studies in the future.
To show you I'm 100% with you on this...
I want to offer you a 100% risk-free guarantee.
When you join, you’ve got 3 days to decide if this purchase was right for you. If, within those 3 days, you attend Part 1 and 2 and still feel like this course isn’t delivering on its promise, I will refund your purchase.
Just send an email to [email protected] to let my team know.
That’s just the right thing to do.
What people around
the world say
Thorough, unbiased, and hard-to-find information
For women exploring their options after cesarean, "The Truth About VBAC™ for Families" is a must.
VBAC is unique in that you have to understand more than just the science in order to wade through the myths and misinformation, and here is thorough, unbiased, and hard-to-find information on the subject as a whole: science, history, and politics.
I wish that every woman out there who has had a cesarean had the opportunity to get the truth about what her options are and why they may be so artificially limited.
This class has the power to change how we think about VBAC.
Cristen Pascucci, Birth Monopoly Founder
Summarizes the evidence in understandable language
Bravo! I absolutely loved "The Truth About VBAC™" online program – I learned SO much! Jen does an amazing job of summarizing the latest evidence on VBACs and repeat cesareans in a way that is easy to understand.
If you're worried that Jen is going to try and talk you into a VBAC– well, that's not how she does things. In this class, Jen simply presents accurate facts and lets the evidence speak for itself. Every woman and family needs to make the decision that is best for them.
In this class, Jen has created a non-judgmental environment for people who are exploring their options. I strongly recommend this class to anyone who is interested in learning about VBAC!" Read Rebecca's entire review.
Dr. Rebecca Dekker, PhD, RN, APRN, Founder, Evidence Based Birth®
Learn how to interpret the numbers and the risk
After attending "The Truth About VBAC™ for Families," I knew the facts, the studies that supported the facts, and I knew how to interpret the numbers to best understand what they were saying about my risk.
When OBs heard me actually talking about "1 in xxx" instead of just percentages, they realized that I really did understand what I was asking for and were more willing to have the discussion I wanted to have.
Professionally, I am better able to point my doula clients to real evidence and help them translate the studies into information they can use to make the best birth decisions for themselves, their babies, and their whole family.
Heather Schweich, VBAC Mom & Birth Doula
Get the facts without a side of guilt
VBAC Facts® was literally the ONLY place I could find facts and not feel guilted into a decision.
I always direct my friends to VBAC Facts®, because I want them to make an informed decision no matter what they choose.
I did have a VBAC (with this cutie in the picture) and I was so thankful because it was MY choice to do so. So THANK YOU!
Lauren D., Registered Nurse
Clearly understand the risks involved
I knew that I really wanted to try for a VBAC. I also wanted to make sure that it was a wise decision. There is just so much conflicting information out there on VBAC that I was unsure what to believe and where to begin.
"The Truth About VBAC™ for Families" helped me to clearly understand the risks involved in whatever birthing option I chose.
With this information in mind, I decided to go the VBAC route and to put together a very VBAC supportive birthing team (which was a midwife group for me). The result was a natural, unmedicated VBAC with no complications what so ever!
Allison M., Stay at Home Mom
Biased towards fully informed patients
I'm a busy OB/GYN physician with a particular interest in ensuring that women in my region have a safe and well-publicized option for post-Cesarean hospital birthing.
Ms. Kamel has put together a presentation that is biased in only one very appropriate direction — that of fully informed patients and birth attendants.
Our patients and communities can only benefit from a more-informed discussion about C-sections and post-Cesarean birthing and we're all lucky to have someone out front with such informed passion.
Dr. Nathan Meltzer, OB/GYN
Hi, I'm Jen Kamel
Can I be honest with you? I became a VBAC advocate because I experienced first hand how hard it was to find solid facts about VBAC. My research journey started with my own questions and quickly grew to include things people said in Yahoo Groups. Soon I was answering questions in these groups with solid information AND providing citations. People loved it.
But the queries kept coming about so many topics relating to VBAC, uterine rupture, where to birth, VBAC bans, and more. I saw a need for a comprehensive course, so I slowly started developing this program based on the questions and concerns parents expressed.
Over the years, I have received countless emails, DMs, and even old fashioned cards thanking me for this work. Because this knowledge enables parents to engage in informed conversations with their provider. Identify misinformation. Find peace and power in their pregnancy and birth. Make informed decisions. And plan the birth they want.
And now? I want the same for you.
That’s why I created “The Truth About VBAC™ for Families.” And why I advise advocates seeking regulatory or legislative change in their state, serve as an expert witness and consultant in legal proceedings, offer online continuing education trainings to physicians, nurses, midwives, and other health care professionals via my professional membership as well as in-person trainings. Offering this course to you is just one of many strategies I employ to ensure that parents receive respectful, evidence based care rooted in accurate VBAC information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is this priced at $299?
Okay– if you’re worried about spending money right now, I get it. The world feels unstable and uncertain. So it’s definitely important that you feel safe + supported if we work together.
That said, we both know that it’s nearly impossible to feel peaceful during your pregnancy while trying to navigate a system that routes most people into a repeat cesarean. It is a constant fight.
If you’re having trouble with the mystery of how to piece together the VBAC evidence, let me help you solve it.
Let's get clear on the evidence together so you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy and look forward to your birth rather than researching, stressing, and wondering if you made the right choice.
How much is that worth to you?
I’m up to my eyeballs with work/email/life. I’m not sure I have the time for this.
That's why I created this course. I want you to be able to quickly and easily understand the evidence without wasting more time googling, researching, and scrolling through VBAC groups. How much time do you spend doing that right now?
Should you try to free up some time to take this course?
Or should you take this course and have it free up some of your time?
You know my answer.
I’ve designed this course for even the most time-strapped parent. Each module has short, bitesize lessons so both watching and reflecting on what you want are quick. Plus, I'll email you every 2-3 days with the next lecture so you can easily finish the program in six weeks.
How is "The Truth About VBAC™ for Families" different from other VBAC courses I've seen?
The thing that makes this course different is the 16 years of experience that informs its content and tone. As an international speaker, expert witness, policy consultant, continuing education provider, VBAC subject matter expert, consumer advocate AND a mother who has had a cesarean and a VBAC, I offer a unique perspective that encompasses not only the medical research, national guidelines, and legal concerns, but also the emotional journey of a VBAC parent.
The other thing that makes this course different is my personal commitment to integrity, honesty, and ethics. This is not just a business for me. This is my life's work. When I had my cesarean, there was nothing like this available. I had to create it from scratch. You don't need to do that. You don't have to do this alone.
How can you do this work if you aren't a physician, midwife, or nurse?
One of the most surprising things I've learned over the years - directly from physicians, midwives, nurses, doulas, and childbirth educators - is how little they learn about VBAC during their schooling.
In addition, they have said that what they were taught is often inaccurate, biased, and outright contradicts medical evidence, ethics, and national VBAC guidelines published by the American College of OB/GYNs. This is why I became a continuing education provider and have developed trainings for these same professionals.
In fact, during one of the seven times I spoke in Florida, a 30-year OB told me that my training was the best he had ever attended on VBAC.
A maternal fetal specialist (high risk OB) who attended a training in Texas asked, "I can't help but wonder to myself how dramatically our maternity care system might improve if all OBs understood the topic of VBAC as well as Jen does."
A midwife who joined our professional membership said, "I highly recommend your teaching and feel it would be invaluable if delivered to all clinicians."
I may not be a clinician, but health care providers around the world follow and respect my work.
Further, because I don't work in a hospital, my hands are not tied in terms of what I can tell you. I'm not bound by hospital policy that forbids me from being honest about your options. That is the climate in which many physicians, midwives, and nurses work.
They are faced with an ethical dilemma: be upfront about the evidence and your options or possibly lose their jobs. I know numerous physicians and nurses who did the ethical thing - specifically, telling people they could decline a cesarean and plan a VBAC at a hospital that required repeat cesareans per “VBAC bans” - and were ultimately fired or left because the professional pressure was too much. That is the stress that many ethical providers face.
Believe me when I say: There are amazing providers out there who feel like they cannot be totally honest with you because of where they work. It is a crime.
What is your refund policy?
I want to offer you a 100% risk-free guarantee. When you join, you’ve got 3 days to decide if this purchase was right for you. If, within those 3 days, you attend Part 1 and 2 and still feel like this course isn’t delivering on its promise, I will refund your purchase. Just send an email to [email protected] to let my team know. That’s just the right thing to do.
Can my spouse/ partner attend the course?
Absolutely. In fact, I think it is wonderful when partners take this course together. It will really help the two of you to work from the foundation of the same information.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and ends when you complete it! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
I'll send you emails every 2-3 days with the link to the next lecture. If you follow that timeline, you will complete this course in six weeks.
But, if you want to binge it all in one day, you can do that too as you will receive instant access to the entire course upon registration.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Do you offer a discounted rate for BIPOC?
Absolutely! A sliding scale is available for BIPOC women and birthing people. Contact us for more information.
How can I contribute to the BIPOC Scholarship Fund to support BIPOC birthing people in their VBAC education?
Thank you! You can make a contribution here. As you may know, the VBAC Facts® BIPOC Scholarship Fund enables us to make our courses for parents more accessible to the BIPOC community for whom the VBAC journey carries additional stressors due to institutionalized racism. We welcome your contributions as we stand in solidarity with BIPOC perinatal professionals.
I have another question that wasn't answered here.
Send my team an email at [email protected] and we will get back to you!