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(Older Version) The Truth About VBAC™ for Professionals
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Part I: Introduction
My origin story (11:50)
"Those annoying facts" (4:15)
Where does VBAC stand and what do most people believe? (10:02)
Part 2: The Rise and Fall of VBAC
How and why the VBAC rate plummeted from 26% to 11% (18:31)
Part 3: The Current VBAC Climate in America
The many ways ACOG's guidelines have been interpreted (19:03)
How hospitals can improve outcomes and decrease litigation risk (5:13)
Non-evidence based care: How political factors impact the care women receive (14:58)
Informed consent that manipulates (17:05)
What informed consent really looks like (15:04)
Part 4: The Legal Rights of the Birthing Mother
The Legal Rights of the Birthing Person (17:03)
Part 5: Understanding Obstetrical Risk
The marketing of risk: The VBAC double standard (10:08)
Part 6: Decoding and Evaluating Medical Studies
How to understand medical studies & lie with statistics (18:14)
Part 7: The National Guidelines
Who is a VBAC candidate, 40+ Weeks gestation, and "big babies" (29:36)
The evidence on fetal monitoring, epidurals, and VBAC induction (14:25)
How ACOG says women should be counseled about VBAC (8:35)
Part 8: Who Has a VBAC?
The pitfalls of VBAC calculators and racial disparity realities (13:51)
How parents can maximize their VBAC odds (10:56)
Part 9: Uterine Rupture Factors
Risk by scar type, number of prior cesareans, and after a prior vaginal delivery (11:31)
Evidence on birth interval, single vs. dual layer suturing, and scar thickness (16:08)
Part 10: Mode of Delivery: Infant Implications
Mortality & morbidity rates, uterine rupture outcomes, & the timing of elective repeat cesareans (18:29)
Part 11: Mode of Delivery: Maternal Implications
Mortality & morbidity rates, uterine rupture outcomes, and the long term risks of cesareans (14:36)
Part 12: Each Cesarean Increases the Risks of Future Pregnancies
What 93% of parents aren't told about cesareans (13:48)
Why cesarean hysterectomies have increased substantially over the last decade (15:18)
Part 13: Hospital VBAC: Risks, Benefits, & Planning
Hospital VBAC: What you need to know (9:23)
Part 14: Out-of-Hospital Birth: Risks, Benefits, & Planning
Out-of-Hospital VBAC: What you need to know (18:58)
Part 15: Education & Activism: Creating Change in Your Community
How people have changed hospital policy and improved outcomes (11:10)
Your Next Steps (6:50)
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Mortality & morbidity rates, uterine rupture outcomes, & the timing of elective repeat cesareans
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